If you’re tired of trying to sell your motorcycle gear on Craigslist or elsewhere online or just don’t have the time to hassle with it anymore, bring it to us.
Bring us your gear, name your price, and hang it on the rack for 90 days. We’ll take care of the sale for you and let you know when your item sells. We take a small commission.
For your convenience fill out this form ahead of time. Download it here
Describe the gear in as much detail as possible, especially if there are separate pieces such as liners.
All items will be posted for 90 days. After that time, if the item(s) has not sold, you will be contacted to lower the price, donate or pick up.
We are in the process of uploading pictures and descriptions of all of the consignment gear we have for sale onto the website.
Click here to see a small selection of what we have uploaded so far